Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A little script to check for the NT AUTHORITY\SELF full access right on mailboxes

By way if context the content of this post was once in Microsoft's TechNet blog space before some changes there made my old content disappear.
I've been able to transfer a couple of those posts to this new platform, so the following was posted on April 23, 2012: 

In case someone is looking for a script that works with mailbox permissions like this, here's a small example of what I came up with to help someone check that all mailboxes have the SELF right in the permissions:

#Script to check mailboxes for fullaccess rights for NT AUTHORITY\SELF
#Written by 4/21/2012

$logfile = "c:\selfrightstest.log"
if (test-path $logfile) {remove-item $logfile}

function WriteLog
 Add-Content -Path $logfile -encoding ASCII -value $msg

#Modify the next line to narrow the scope of the Get-Mailbox results
#For example, set it to -> $mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -server <servername> -resultsize unlimited <- to only check mailboxes on a particular server

$mailboxes = Get-ExchangeServer | ?{$_.ServerRole -like "*mailbox*"} | Get-Mailbox -resultsize unlimited
WriteLog "Checking for FullAccess rights for NT AUTHORITY\SELF"
$mailboxes | foreach {
 $perms = get-mailboxpermission $_.identity | ?{$_.user -like "NT AUTHORITY\SELF" -and $_.accessrights -like "*fullaccess*"}
 if ($perms) {
  Write-Host "Mailbox for $_" -nonewline
  Write-Host " OK" -foregroundcolor green

 else { $erruser = $_.Identity
  Write-Host "FullAccess right for NT AUTHORITY\SELF not detected on the mailbox for " -foregroundcolor red -nonewline
  Write-Host $_.Identity -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor white
  WriteLog "FullAccess right for NT AUTHORITY\SELF not detected on the mailbox for $erruser"


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A little script to check for the NT AUTHORITY\SELF full access right on mailboxes

By way if context the content of this post was once in Microsoft's TechNet blog space before some changes there made my old content disa...